When it comes to outdoor signage for your business, neon and LED signs are two of the most popular options. Both types of signs have their pros and cons, and the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and preferences. In this blog, we will compare neon signs vs. LED signs to help you determine which is the better investment for your business.

What are Neon Signs?

Neon signs are made using glass tubes that are filled with gas, such as neon or argon. When an electrical current is passed through the gas, it glows and creates a bright light. Neon signs can be designed in any shape or size and can include various colors and effects. They are often used for storefront signage, outdoor advertising, and interior decoration.

What are LED Signs?

LED signs use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light. These signs are made up of tiny diodes that emit light when a current is passed through them. LED signs can be designed in any shape or size and can include various colors and effects. They are often used for storefront signage, billboards, and other outdoor advertising.

Neon Signs vs. LED Signs: A Comparison


Neon signs are known for their brightness and vibrant colors. The unique glow of neon signs is something that cannot be replicated by LED signs. However, LED signs are also very bright and can be customized to produce a wide range of colors and effects.

Energy Efficiency

LED signs are more energy-efficient than neon signs. They use significantly less energy and can be programmed to turn off when not in use, reducing energy costs even further. Neon signs, on the other hand, use a significant amount of energy and must be left on at all times to maintain their brightness.


Neon signs are incredibly durable and can last for many years with proper care. They are made of sturdy glass and are resistant to weather and other environmental factors. LED signs are also durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making them a great investment for outdoor advertising.


Neon signs require more maintenance than LED signs. The glass tubes must be regularly checked for damage and replaced if necessary. LED signs, on the other hand, require very little maintenance and can be easily repaired if damaged.


Both neon and LED signs can be customized to fit any business. Neon signs can be designed in any shape or size and can include various colors and effects. LED signs can also be designed in any shape or size and can include animation, video, and other interactive elements.

Which is the Better Investment for Your Business?

When it comes to choosing between neon signs vs. LED signs, the decision will ultimately depend on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

Budget: LED signs are generally more affordable than neon signs, making them a better investment for businesses with a limited budget.

Branding: If you are looking for a sign that will help you build your brand and stand out from the competition, neon signs may be the better option. The unique glow of neon signs can create a memorable experience for customers and help reinforce your brand message.

Energy Efficiency: If you are looking for a sign that is energy-efficient and cost-effective to operate, LED signs are the better option.

Durability: Both neon and LED signs are durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions. However, neon signs require more maintenance and may be more susceptible to damage over time.


Choosing between neon signs and LED signs depends on your business’s unique needs and preferences. Consider factors like branding, energy efficiency, durability, maintenance, and customizability. Make the right choice for your business signage and captivate your audience. Contact us today and visit our website at https://www.signhub.ca/ to explore our range of neon and LED sign solutions and take your business to the next level.